Creating a cleaner world through composting

Learn more about the How2Compost label:


The How2Compost label informs consumers of a product’s compostability. We partner with the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) to ensure every item we label is certified compostable at industrial facilities.




What can I compost?


Our How2Compost label only goes on packages or products that have been certified compostable in an industrial facility by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). 

BPI is the leading third-party verification for compostable products in North America. The program is specifically for industrial compostability and does not verify items for backyard compostability. The test standards that BPI certifies are specific to industrial environments.

Producing soil at industrial compost plant. Sifting soil with a machinery to make clean earth ready to be used

Where can I compost it?


Check with your city to see if organic recycling is a service in your area. 

The How2Compost label meets the criteria to break down in an industrial composting system. These facilities take large volumes of organic materials and carefully monitor nutrient, oxygen, moisture, and temperature levels to produce a high-quality compost product. The How2Compost label does NOT indicate a package’s ability to break down in home compost. While some certified industrially compostable products can break down in home compost conditions, many require conditions only achievable through industrial compost methods.

To learn more about home compost, visit the EPA website.

Hungry to learn more? Check out these downloadable resources!

Understanding the Role of Compostable Packaging in North America

A resource from The Sustainable Packaging Coalition.

Composting Facilities in the US

Mapping out composting facilities in the US, including materials they accept.

Legislation Banning Food Waste From Landfills

A US map showing a visual of these legislative decisions.