Consumer Survey I consider myself:(Nécessaire) An excellent recycler A good recycler, but would like to do more Just learning about recycling How did you find out about the How2Recycle Label?(Nécessaire) Saw it on a package Saw it on social media Read about it in an article Heard about it from a friend If you saw the label on a package, what brand and product was the label on?(Nécessaire) How would you describe your experience with the label?(Nécessaire) Overwhelmingly positive Somewhat positive Neutral Negative Do you find the label:(Nécessaire) Easy to understand Somewhat easy to understand Somewhat unclear Unclear Did the label and/or website teach you something you didn’t already know?(Nécessaire) Yes Somewhat – helped refine my knowledge No Will you change your recycling behavior based on the label and/or website?(Nécessaire) Yes No What will you do differently? Check all that apply I will take my plastic bags and wraps to a Store Drop-Off location for recycling I will recycle more packaging I will not put packaging into the recycling bin that is not recyclable I will replace caps and lids on bottles and containers before recycling I will look for the How2Recycle label in the future I will rinse packaging when the How2Recycle label instructs me to I will separate packaging when the How2Recycle label instructs me to I will remove the label when the How2Recycle label instructs me to I will Check Locally to see if this type of packaging is accepted by my local recycling program I will approach my recycling habits in a new way Why not? Check all that apply I already knew how to recycle my package My local recycling program does not accept this type of packaging I don’t believe it’s actually getting recycled I don’t believe it makes a difference I need more information Too much effort If you saw the label on a product, is your impression of the company that makes that product:(Nécessaire) More positive The same Less positive If more positive, why? Check all that apply I believe the company is helping me and easing my confusion I believe the company cares about the environment and sustainability I believe the company is being honest and transparent, even if something is not recyclable I believe the company is demonstrating leadership by using the How2Recycle label I believe the company is more likely to make recyclable packaging If the same, why? Check all that apply I already expect this type of information I’m not sure if the company is taking other steps towards sustainability I already had a certain impression of this company and the How2Recycle label doesn’t change that I’m not able to recycle this packaging If less positive, why? Check all that apply I’m disappointed the package isn’t recyclable I need more information on international recycling I’m confused Are you more likely to purchase a product that features the How2Recycle label?(Nécessaire) Yes No Maybe EmailCe champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.